Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Does the world need Zoos?

What's the purpose of having a zoo? To study about wildlife? Doesn't it make more sense to study wildlife in their natural habitat? Why on earth people still tolerate the existence of Zoos in this modern world is beyond me. Lookup 'Zoo' in wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZOO you'll find a chequered history of Zoos and how a Zoo in New York in 1906 outrageously displayed a human being together with animals for the viewing pleasure of visitors!

People have matured over the years and the practise of putting up fellow human being in cages as exhibits are behind us but I sincerely hope that we will all come to our senses and realise that wildlife has every right to be free to roam its natural habitat, not 'owned' by anyone and forcefully put up in faux environment for the visual stimulation of some misguided folks.

Let's be civil! Set Wildlife Free Now!

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